Ansible Role: power_aix_bootstrap

Ansible role for automatically loading and executing the commands necessary to install dependent software for services: yum | python.



Role Variables

Available variables along with their default values:

pkgtype (True, str, yum)

Specifies the package service requiring bootstrap installation. There are two package names currently supported: yum | python.

download_dir (optional, str, ~)

Specifies the temporary download location for install scripts and packages. The location resides on the Ansbile control node. Downloading of the files requires a public network interface connection.

target_dir (optional, str, /tmp/.ansible.cpdir)

Specifies the target location (per inventory host) for copying and restoring package files and metadata. If the target location does not exist, then a temporary filesystem is created using the target_dir as the mount point. Upon role completion, the target location is removed.



Example Playbook

- hosts: aix
  gather_facts: no
    name: power_aix_bootstrap
    pkgtype: yum

For more examples, see playbooks.