mount – Mounts/unmounts a filesystem or device on AIX.


This module mounts/unmounts a Filesystem/Device on the specified path.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 2.7

  • Privileged user with authorizations: aix.fs.manage.list,aix.fs.manage.create,aix.fs.manage.change,aix.fs.manage.remove,aix.fs.manage.mount,aix.fs.manage.unmount


state (optional, str, mount)

Specifies the action to be performed.

mount makes a file system available for use at a specified location (the mount point). In addition, you can use it to build other file trees made up of directory and file mounts. If no parameter is specified, it gets information for the mounted file systems.

umount unmounts a previously mounted device, directory, file, or file system

mount_dir (optional, str, None)

Specifies the directory path to mount/unmount.

mount_over_dir (optional, str, None)

Directory path on which the mount_dir should be mounted.

If you specify only this directory, it looks up the associated device, directory, or file and mounts/unmounts it.

node (optional, str, None)

Specifies the remote node holding the directory/filesystem/device to be mounted/unmounted.

mount_all (optional, str, None)

When state=mount and mount_all=all, mounts all file systems in the /etc/filesystems file with stanzas that contain the true mount attribute.

When state=umount and mount_all=all, unmounts all mounted filesystem.

When state=umount and mount_all=remote, unmounts all remote mounted filesystems.

force (optional, bool, False)

For remote mounted file systems, this attribute forces an unmount to free a client when the server is down and server path names cannot be resolved, or when a file system must be unmounted while it is still in use.

alternate_fs (optional, str, None)

Mounts on a file of an alternate file system, other than the /etc/filesystems file.

removable_fs (optional, bool, False)

Mounts a file system as a removable file system.

read_only (optional, bool, False)

Mounts a file system as a read-only file system.

fs_type (optional, str, None)

It specifies the name of the group to mount. It mounts/unmounts stanzas in the /etc/filesystems file that contain the type=``fs_type`` attribute.

vfsname (optional, str, None)

Specifies that the file system is defined by the vfsname parameter in the /etc/vfs file.

options (optional, str, None)

Specifies options. Options should be of the form <option-name>=<value> and multiple options should be separated only by a comma.




- name: List mounted filesystems

- name: Mount filesystems
    mount_dir: /dev/hd1
    mount_over_dir: /home

- name: Mount filesystems provided by a node"
    mount_dir: /mnt

- name: Unmount remote filesystems
   state: umount
   mount_all: remote
   force: True

Return Values

msg (always, str, )

The execution message.

cmd (always, str, )

The command executed.

rc (If the command failed., int, )

The return code.

stdout (If the command failed., str, )

The standard output.

stderr (If the command failed., str, )

The standard error.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pbfinley1911)