nim_updateios – Use NIM to update a single or a pair of Virtual I/O Servers.


Uses the Network Installation Management (NIM) to perform updates and customization to Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) targets tuple.

A tuple can be one VIOS or a pair of VIOSes to update together.

Checks status of previous operation if provided before running operation on the tuple.

When a cluster is configured, the VIOSes of a tuple must be on the same cluster and the node states must be OK.

When updating VIOSes pair, it checks the cluster state, stop it before installing the VIOS, and restart it after installation. Then, it starts updating the second VIOS.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 2.7

  • Privileged user with authorizations: aix.system.install,aix.system.nim.config.server


action (True, str, None)

Specifies the action to perform.

install installs new and supported filesets.

commit commits all uncommitted updates.

cleanup removes all incomplete pieces of the previous installation.

remove removes the listed filesets from the system in filesets or installp_bundle.

targets (True, list, None)

Specifies the list of VIOSes NIM targets tuple to update.

You can specify a list of a VIOS to update alone, or two VIOSes to update as a couple.

filesets (optional, str, None)

Specifies a list of file sets to remove from the targets.

Can be used with action=remove.

installp_bundle (optional, str, None)

Specifies an installp_bundle resource that lists filesets to remove on the targets.

Can be used with action=remove.

lpp_source (optional, str, None)

Specifies the NIM lpp_source resource that will provide the installation images for the operation.

accept_licenses (optional, bool, True)

Specifies whether the software licenses should be automatically accepted during the installation.

manage_cluster (optional, bool, False)

Specifies whether the cluster should be check and stop before updating the vios and restarted after the update.

preview (optional, bool, True)

Specifies to run the operations in preview operation. No action is actually performed.

time_limit (optional, str, None)

Before starting the action on a VIOS tuple, the actual date is compared to this parameter value; if it is greater then the task is stopped.

The format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm.

The resulting status for tuples in this case will be SKIPPED-TIMEOUT.

vios_status (optional, dict, None)

Specifies the result of a previous operation.

If set then the vios_status of a target tuple must contain SUCCESS to attempt update.

If no vios_status value is found for a tuple, then returned status for this tuple is set to SKIPPED-NO-PREV-STATUS.

nim_node (optional, dict, None)

Allows to pass along NIM node info from a task to another so that it discovers NIM info only one time for all tasks.


- name: Preview updateios on a pair of VIOSes
    targets: 'nimvios01, nimvios02'
    action: install
    lpp_source: 723lpp_res
    preview: yes
- name: Update VIOSes as a pair and a VIOS alone discarding cluster
    - nimvios01,nimvios02
    - nimvios03
    action: install
    lpp_source: 723lpp_res
    time_limit: '07/21/2020 17:02'
    manage_cluster: no
    preview: no
- name: Remove a fileset of a VIOS
    targets: 'nimvios01'
    action: remove
    filesets: openssh.base.server
    preview: yes

Return Values

msg (always, str, NIM updateios operation completed successfully)

The execution message.

targets (always, list, [‘vios1’, ‘vios2, vios3’, ‘…’])

List of VIOSes actually targeted for the operation.

stdout (always, str, )

The standard output.

stderr (always, str, )

The standard error.

status (always, dict, {‘status’: {‘vios1-vios2’: ‘SUCCESS-UPDT’, ‘vios3’: ‘SUCCESS-ALTDC’, ‘vios4-vios5’: ‘FAILURE-CLUSTER’, ‘vios6-vios7’: ‘FAILURE-UPDT1’}})

Status of the execution on each target <tuple>.

If the operation status is not avalaible, the vios_status passed in parameter is returned.

<tuple> (when tuple are actually a NIM client and reachable with c_rsh., str, SUCCESS-UPDT)

Status of the execution on the <tuple>.

The <tuple> elements are sorted to form the key of the dictionary.

SKIPPED-NO-PREV-STATUS when no vios_status value is found for the tuple.

Previous vios_status when the tuple status does not contains SUCCESS.

SKIPPED-TIMEOUT when the time_limit is reached before updating the 1st VIOS of the tuple.

FAILURE-CLUSTER when cluster checks or operation failed.

FAILURE-UPDT1 when update of first VIOS of the tuple failed.

FAILURE-UPDT2 when update of second VIOS of the tuple failed.

nim_node (always, dict, {‘nim_node’: {‘vios’: {‘vios1’: {‘Cstate’: ‘ready for a NIM operation’, ‘Cstate_result’: ‘success’, ‘Mstate’: ‘currently running’, ‘cable_type1’: ‘N/A’, ‘class’: ‘management’, ‘connect’: ‘nimsh’, ‘cpuid’: ‘00F600004C00’, ‘if1’: ‘master_net 0’, ‘mgmt_profile1’: ‘p8-hmc 1 vios-cec’, ‘netboot_kernel’: ‘64’, ‘platform’: ‘chrp’, ‘prev_state’: ‘alt_disk_install operation is being performed’, ‘hostname’: ‘’, ‘cluster’: {‘vios1’: {‘repos_state’: ‘’, ‘state’: ‘DOWN’}, ‘vios2’: {‘repos_state’: ‘OK’, ‘state’: ‘OK’}, ‘name’: ‘mycluster’, ‘nodes’: [‘vios1’, ‘vios2’], ‘state’: ‘DEGRADED’}}}}})

NIM node info. It can contains more information if passed as option nim_node.

vios (always, dict, )

List of VIOS NIM resources.

meta (always, dict, )

Detailed information on the module execution.

messages (always, list, see below)

Details on errors/warnings not related to a specific tuple.

<tuple> (when target is actually a NIM client, dict, )

Detailed information on the execution on the target tuple.

messages (always, list, )

Details on errors/warnings.

<vios> (when target is actually a NIM client., dict, )

updateios information for a specific vios.

cmd (If the command was run., str, )

Command executed.

stdout (If the command was run., str, )

Standard output of the command.

stderr (If the command was run., str, )

Standard error of the command.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pbfinley1911)